2. Using Renjin Interactively

Though Renjin’s principle goal is to make it easier to embed R code in existing systems, it can also be used as an interactive Read-Eval-Print-Loop (REPL) similar to that of GNU R.


Interactive interpreter run from the command line

2.1. Prerequisites

Renjin requires a Java Runtime Environment, version 8 or later. We recommend that you install the latest version of the Oracle’s JDK.

2.2. Installation

Visit the downloads page on renjin.org.

2.3. Using Packages

There are some differences between the way Renjin manages packages compared to the way that GNU R manages packages.

In GNU R, you must first run install.packages(), which will download and build a package from source. After the package is installed, then it can be loaded with a call to library().

From within Renjin’s REPL, there is no install.packages() function: the first time you try to load a package with library(), Renjin will check the repository for a package with the matching name and download it to a local repository located in ~/.m2/repository.

As a service, BeDataDriven provides a repository with all CRAN (the Comprehensive R Archive Network) and BioConductor packages at http://packages.renjin.org. The packages in this repository are built and packaged for use with Renjin. Not all packages can be built for Renjin so please consult the repository to see if your favorite package is available for Renjin.